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Snabbprotokoll 2011/12:90, Onsdagen den 28 mars-Kl. 09.00

prohandel GmbH T +49 (0)5 21 55 77 09-0 Die Daten werden dann sauber auf einem Dashboard dargestellt, wo man alle notwendigen Exporte einfach durchführen kann“, erklärt der Fiskaly CEO. Eine Funktion zur komplett elektronischen Belegserteilung bereite man gerade vor, diese wird den Händlern und Kassenherstellern kostenlos an die Hand gegeben. 2020-05-05 · The fiskaly Cloud TSE is an innovative and future-oriented solution, which allows a quick reaction to possible (legal) changes. Receipt4S® and the fiskaly Cloud TSE offer the advantage of being able to manage cash register data in a user-friendly way via a dashboard or SAP monitor. Das Dashboard wird nur für den Fall einer Kassen-Nachschau benötigt. Dort wird dann wahrscheinlich nach einem Export aller TSE-Daten gefragt. Die kannst du im Fiskaly-Dashboard dann herunterladen.

Fiskaly dashboard

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Üb e r d a s Da sh b o a rd kö n n e n S i e O rg a n i sa t i o n e n u n d d e re n Nu t ze r a n l e g e n u n d ve rwa l t e n , Ser­vices offe­red by fiskaly The end of the non­com­p­laint regu­la­ti­on is approa­ching with big steps. From 1.10.2020 all cash regis­ters must be made tamper-proof by a tech­ni­cal secu­ri­ty system (TSS). Fis­ka­ly offers the opti­mal all-round solu­ti­on for this. Once inte­gra­ted, you will meet ALL legal requi­re­ments and create added value for your com­pa­ny The fiskaly Cloud TSE is an innovative and future-oriented solution, which allows a quick reaction to possible (legal) changes. Receipt4S® and the fiskaly Cloud TSE offer the advantage of being able to manage cash register data in a user-friendly way via a dashboard or SAP monitor. Fiskaly TSE - Enter the TSS ID, API key and the "Secret" key.

Go ahead and check our docs.

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The experts for fiscalization. In Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria and Europe. Wei­te­re Partner . We fis­ca­li­ze your records.

Snabbprotokoll 2011/12:90, Onsdagen den 28 mars-Kl. 09.00

fiskaly SDK for Node.js. The fiskaly SDK includes an HTTP client that is needed 1 for accessing the API that implements a cloud-based, virtual CTSS (Certified Technical Security System) / TSE (Technische Sicherheitseinrichtung) as defined by the German KassenSichV (Kassen­sich­er­ungsver­ord­nung).. Supported Versions. Node 8.0+ Features fiskaly SDK for Java/JRE and Java/Android. The fiskaly SDK includes an HTTP client that is needed 1 for accessing the API that implements a cloud-based, virtual CTSS (Certified Technical Security System) / TSE (Technische Sicherheitseinrichtung) as defined by the German KassenSichV (Kassen­sich­er­ungsver­ord­nung)..

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The fiskaly sign API is a RESTful API that implements a cloud-based, virtual TSS (Technical Security System) / TSE (Technische Sicherheitseinrichtung) as defined by the German KassenSichV (Kassen­sich­er­ungsver­ord­nung). fiskaly Status Page Operational.

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Dashboard User Manual Your user account #. To use the fiskaly Dashboard you need a separate account. You can create this account free of Navigating the Dashboard #. The dashboard is divided into several categories. On the one hand it contains all important Organization Management #. This menu To use the fis­ka­ly Dash­board you need a sepa­ra­te account. You can sign up for a test account at fis­ka­ly for free.

Dort haben Sie dann die  fiskaly GmbH.